UNA Houston invitation to Members interested to serve in Board of Directors role
Dear UNA Houston Chapter Members,
It is time to start the nomination and election process for member interested in joining the UNA-Houston board of directors for a 3 year term 2025 – 2027.
This is a volunteer working board. Members are dedicated to furthering the UNA mission, encouraging new members and building partnerships centered around annual programs, advocacy initiatives and The Global Goals.
Members are expected to attend in person board meetings, work collegially with other board members, and participate in the work of one committee: Programs, Communications, Membership, Finance.
Please submit nominations by Saturday, December 7 to info@unahouston.org with the title line, “Board Member Nomination”.
Each nomination must include:
1. Nominee Name and contact information
2. A brief bio (one paragraph to no more than 1 pg.)
3. A brief statement that states why you want to serve as a member of the Board. Include Chapter events or activities you have participated in and committees or programs of interest.
A member of the nominating committee will contact candidates. Final recommendations will be presented to the board for approval to be included on a ballot to be issued to all members.
UNA Houston Nominating Committee